We use this area for eating and for art. Art could be a directed activity or a free option since materials are accessible all the time.At the back you could see our job chart: each child is assigned a helping chore (lunch helper, door opener, pet feeder....) and this helps to create our classroom community, where everyone is important.


This is our entrance and cubicle area. At the end is the bathroom, clearly labeled. We also have parent information boards and mail boxes.

Here is our housekeeping area where 3 or 4 children can "cook" together

Quiet area is where the books are.  We have a comfortable sofa to snuggle while sharing a story with friends. 

The arrangement of the rooms has a purpose.  Behind the camera is the book area, then we have our learning area (table toys, learning center).After that is the  block and group area where we are more noisy and at the end is our home area.. Onthe side there is a chalkboard that at the moment was used with magnetic letters. We even have art displayed in the ceiling!

Our bigger area is block/ group area where there is enough space to dance, jump or use balancing beams.  All toys are accessible to children and clearly labeled to make clean up a snap. 

Our playroom is designed to small children and the toys and furniture are accessible and made for their size. The areas are well planned and divided by short furniture to let the adults a clear view of all the children at all times.

Toys are sanitize and rotate monthly to keep germs away and children's interest growing with different challenges or interests.  

Each child has their own cubby and in there there is a box to keep extra clothing. Art projects sit in labeled trays on top of the cubbies.  Here is the area parents visit daily since the sign in/out book sits on top of cubbies, the board for announcements is there as well.  

The changing table is next to the sink to make the sanity process easy to follow. Children in diapers have a labeled basket to keep their diaper supplies.

The outdoor is not a play area but is also a leaning environment place.  Children have plenty of space to run, jump, climb and pump but they have quiet areas as well. We have water table, planting area, sand table and the club.

The first door in the shed is our club.  We have a quiet area with doll house, finger toys books, soft recliner sits and plenty of boxes that we use for outdoor building and pretend.

Next to the shed is our patio where we have the water table, we use chalk and cool off on the shade